Ticket # 395

Ticket ID 395 VIN JXAVP17E54A00155
First Name Tony Last Name Simmons
Year 0 Make
Email Address Phone Number 850
Location Shop Due Date 2020-08-14
Status Complete Php POS ID 3240
Miles in 33487 Miles out 0
Description of Issue/Upgrade
Trouble shoot Air Ride it will pump up but will not let down, Build rings for the 8.8 holes in lids to go to a 8" speaker then check audio wiring and retune amp. Has new speakers in box sitting on bike. has center stand laying beside box and knows it cant get done on this trip but would like for Jimmy to take a look and see if it can be modified to work with his bike.
Service note 1 - Date - 0000-00-00
Service note 2 - Date - 0000-00-00<
Service note 3 - Date - 0000-00-00<
Ticket Number: Ticket Number Vin Number: Ticket Number

POS Ticket:
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